Friday, November 18, 2016

Stuffin’ the Bus with Homemade Fleece Blankets

Ms. Flynn and her resource students focused on helping others as they created four beautiful tie-blankets for the “Stuff the Bus” community fundraiser. Think how warm and appreciative the recipients of these blankets will be as the Wisconsin weather turns chilly! Want to know how to create a tie-blanket, visit with Ms. Flynn or one of her resource students. (posted by Ms. KBD)


  1. I really like that you are helping out the community and really just making the blankets for fun.

  2. It so nice to see that people care for their community. Great job guys!

  3. that's so cool that you guys got to do that

  4. These blankets where amazing to make, during the making of the blankets you got to thinking about how much you helped a family during this winter.

  5. I thought this really sweet!

  6. That's really awesome you guys did that.

  7. That's cool making blankets for stuff the bus


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