Tuesday, January 3, 2017

Mysteries Beyond the Blue Sky

by Nedda B.

Author’s Note: This poem is following the style of a sonnet poem, but it has a little twist on it. Instead of going ABABCDCDEFEF... This poem will go AABCCDEEF… I want you to figure out what the setting is to the poem, so your mind can focus on some of the deep meanings hidden within the poem. Have a blast!

Beyond the blue sky
there up high.
Is a mysterious place.
Objects flying around.
Some even coming down,
to crash into our beautiful planet.

The atmosphere, black as ink
makes you think.
What is this place?
The things you are about to see
mixed like objects in the sea
Are grand, spherical, celestial bodies.
Some made up of gas.
Some you can touch when you pass.
Being thousands of miles apart,
the climate can change.
Leaving Earth estranged.
To have different species roaming around until they fall down.

There is no air
accumulating there
So it sounds as quiet as being
ten feet under water.
Below the yachter.
With the orbs spinning
1,040 miles per hour.
Might make you feel sweet and sour.
Plus, remember…
There is no oxygen
Which gives you no option
To breathe.

Without a big, white suit,
You could be the same as a pruned fruit,
that no one desires to be.
No gravity to let you stand
Upon the land
While Earth is safe and secure, to allow you to walk around and be pure.

(posted by Mrs. Whelan)

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