Saturday, January 9, 2016

Should drones be legal for everyone?

Have you ever heard of drones? Most likely, as it seems they’ve been the talk of the town lately with everything that is being established about them. Drones have been labeled as dangerous for regular people to use, but why? There have been many things that have gone wrong with drones when everyday people use them. There are rules to follow when you get a drone, but do people really follow them? The research says no. These drones have been putting a lot of people in danger and they are expensive to buy. They can be used for good if they are being used by the right people. Drones really should be restricted to military use.

Drones have been known to help people spy on others, which is an invasion of privacy. No one wants a drone flying over them or their houses, not knowing if someone is watching them. The scariest part is that people actually have used drones to spy on others. It’s not hard either as some drones come with a built-in camera. You can also easily attach cameras to the drones.The drones that do have cameras are expensive but drones without cameras are becoming cheaper to purchase which means more people could buy them to spy which leads to more of an invasion of privacy. Drones could become very dangerous if they are being used to spy on people, One could easily find out personal information such as, social security numbers, passwords and  more. Drones are only getting worse with privacy invasion.

Drones have been causing even more trouble in the sky. Usually when you buy a drone, the safety guide will tell you that drones are only allowed 400 feet up in the air. There have been many reports of drones flying as high where airplanes are flying. Not only is that way above the height they should be flying, it has become extremely dangerous. One pilot reported about 10 drones up in the sky once while he was flying and  he had to dodge them.Pilots shouldn’t be dodging things in the sky with people on the plane. When a pilot it distracted it could cause plane crashes. No crashes have happened yet but there have been very close calls. Not only do drones distract the pilots and almost cause crashes, the drones have been getting too close to airports and they can interfere with the airport technology.

Many people don’t agree with drones being illegal for citizens and have an argument for it. One person said: “if the government has them why can’t we?” Well citizens have been using them irresponsibly. The government has been using  them for good purposes and follows the rules to keep them safe. Another person stated “ We should be able to use drones they could help for things like news reports” Although that is a good idea we already have things that cover news reports like helicopters. Another woman said “This is taking away our freedom!” if people aren’t following the rules; they really shouldn’t have a drone then it ruins it for everyone who wants a drone responsibly The last person said: “Why don’t we just ban the invasion of privacy?” Yes that would be a good ban but it’s not going to stop a person from using it to spy. If they don’t get caught they will continue to do what they are doing. Although most of those things are good  for drones the other bad things outweigh the good.

Drones have been becoming more and more dangerous each time we hear about them. Between them almost crashing planes, invading people’s privacy and terrorists getting access to them to spy on us, drones are still being questioned by most people around the world on whether or not they are safe for us people to use. The only way drones would be used safely is if the military personnel were the only ones using them. It would be much better and safer. We shouldn’t wait around for these drones to cause something terrible to happen. It would be better if citizens didn’t use them at all. That would be better and safer for everyone.

by Sydni O. (submitted by Mrs. Whelan)

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