Wednesday, January 27, 2016

Don't be a "Flaming Troll"

A blog is a venue for self-expression. It is a digital space in which people make their voices heard. If you write with a sense of caution and responsibility—not to mention creativity and enthusiasm— blogging can be a highly rewarding activity. But that doesn’t mean that there aren’t some dangers inherent in blogging. For example, there is the risk of oversharing, of accidentally providing personal information to those who would use it to hurt you, and of exposing yourself to cyberbullying.
Think before you blog. Remember, anything you post remains accessible in cyberspace indefinitely.

When reading blogs like this one, you are invited to share your thoughts in the comments at the bottom of each post. Your thoughtful comments will be moderated and posted if they provide honest and productive feedback to the writers and readers of this blog. Avoid engaging in negative, potentially hurtful comments. People tend to say things on the Internet that they wouldn’t feel comfortable saying in person. They may be more comfortable expressing anger, disgust, or disapproval in written form over the Internet. Leaving rude or insulting comments on someone’s online content is simply not good "netiquette." In fact there's a term for this mean-spirited, cyber-bullying -- it's called flaming, and people who start arguments or deliberately upset people by posting rude or hurtful comments are called trolls.

Don't be a flaming troll ! Keep in mind the Golden Rule: Do unto others as you would have them do unto you. Enjoy this blog and share your constructive feedback with our readers.


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