Tuesday, November 29, 2016

What is it like being a new student?

This year, Asa Clark Middle School welcomed over 25 new students. Each student had a different perspective of what it was like to be a new student at Asa, meaning that this year there were over 25 different perspectives! Here is one perspective of what it was like to be a new student:

“Being a new student can be very scary for some. You have to make new friends, meet new teachers, learn new curriculum, and, for some, move to a new house. This happened to me only a few weeks ago, but I had friends that knew me from sixth grade when I moved.  So, I got a head start by already knowing kids that went to Asa, but I still had new teachers and new curriculum to learn. The teachers and students of Asa made me feel very welcomed on my first day back to Pewaukee. They understood that I had to learn how everything worked here and they showed me the ropes. Overall, this is a great school with great staff and great students.” -Vaughn (posted by Ms. Bartoszewski)

Morning Music

Asa Clark Jazz Band plays for students before Thanksgiving break.

The Past & The Future

by AlGene C (posted by Mrs. Whelan)

When I was younger I lived in Cleveland, Ohio, on a busy street called Detroit Road.I didn’t have many friends and then had no one to talk to. My parents were always too busy and my sisters hated spending time with me. So like most small, 4 to 7-year-old children, I made my own friends. But I failed, for my imagination was set on creating worlds with characters of my own design. Most of the time I was flying. Even though I wasn’t there I could feel the wind blowing through my hair; the clouds as I glided through them, the small drops of water tapping my face. Yes my images were small, but to me they were my only true place to be and not be alone at the same time. Then I moved for the first time.
New house. New people. New neighbors. New everything. My sisters and I weren't affected that much. For we were too young to realize what happened. But at that moment I found my first acquaintance, and his name was  Anthony. Now he wasn’t a real friend he was more like a TRAP to me; his words were like fire and actions like bricks raining from the sky and crashing on my head. I always was the player two in our crimes. We would run from the man behind the huge pine trees. I thought we were having fun. But I was the one taking the punishment. I was the one that was unhappy. The one that was left in the snow crying. The one with the black eye, and the blood-covered nose. Then a ray of light shined on me with one word. -----Moving. At the time I didn’t know why he was so mean and still considered him a friend. So as a result, on that single day when I got into that car to move away, I cried as I said good bye. For I had no one else to go to. No one to laugh with, no one to spend time with. Again I was alone. Even though I was finally free from that horrible experience, I didn’t feel good about it.
While I was dealing with the problem at home I was also dealing with a new school. A school that talked about how you could be anything but made it to the point you were nothing. The teachers were hypocrites; they would say stand up to bullying but not help when they saw it. They would punish you for being weak or scared. For me, the detention room was my class. I would be punished for the things I didn’t do. If it was for yelling @#%# in the lunchroom. Or saying that I was going to kill a kid. I had no friends in that hole. I was alone. No teachers to help me. That's the thing about teachers. They don’t understand kids and what they're going through. They don't understand how much pain I was in. Always living in fear of the sport kids. I had no talents. No special abilities. I had nothing. They made me felt like nothing. It hurt and no matter how hard I tried it wouldn't go away. I was crushed to the point I again felt that I wasn’t needed in this world. There was a guidance counselor that was supposed to help. But instead of stopping the real problem she made it seem like I was the problem. Why didn’t you do this?  Well, you did do this. My parents were the same. When I did stand up for myself I still got in trouble. But then the golden word appeared again.  -----Moving. The word that set me free again.
Now I am here, talking about the past - how it hurt me, and how I wish it never happened. The past is the past. After that third time moving I had lost all hope for a happy life.

Then I got to my new school. It was my first day of third grade. I was alone... I hadn't made any friends, nor did I want to. I had no skills. No similar interests of other boys. While some played football, I played. I was in the still in the sky. Then I met people. I slowly started to come out of my bubble. I knew it would take a long to to keep popping my bubble. Even now I still have parts of it floating around me. Yes I did find people that blew a new one around me. But I pushed through it. I learned to look at the bigger picture.

Don’t take pity on me. Learn from me. Learn to stop looking in the past, and start looking into the future. Yes the past has shaped me into the person I am today. Even though i’m still finding myself I know that. Sometime, somewhere I will find who I am. So if you're having trouble with your past. Stop. Take a moment, and think about the future. For staying in the past will get you nowhere. Take it from me. It’s difficult I know, but you will find yourself.

Monday, November 21, 2016


"The only person that I can depend on and love and know that that person will always be there for me is my ​m​om. She will always be the person I appreciate the most. No matter what, she tries her hardest to keep me happy, to keep me loved, and most of all just be there for me when I need her the most. I am so thankful for everything she has done for me even if it is just saying "hi" every day. I am so thankful that she tries to set a good example for me and my family. So the one person I appreciate the most is my mom and I’ll  love her forever." - Dalten

In addition to their many responsibilities as library secretaries, Lynn Turba and Beth Doome, asked the Language Arts teachers to have their students reflect upon the concept of gratitude. All students and staff were then encouraged to share their thoughts on autumn-colored leaves. If you happen to be in the library, take a few minutes to read and enjoy all the wonderful things our students are grateful for. (posted by Ms. KBD)

The Very Caring - Catherine Canning

“How can I start this off? There are so many things that I can say about Mrs. Canning and how she helped me grow as a student. When I first met her she was a very welcoming person to Asa. Those first time jitters, Mrs. Canning made it better. She would use humor, something I will always remember about her. Although her technology skills weren’t always at her best, she always had a positive attitude. Mrs. Canning is many wonderful things. She is kind, encouraging and lovable! Mrs. Canning has helped me was a student, just by following her lead. Even if she doesn’t understand somethings, or can’t get something to work, she always problem solves. I don’t think I have ever seen Mrs. Canning be negative about anything. She is always positive, and it really shows through to her students. Mrs Canning always has a positive attitude and is always shining bright! We will forever love Mrs.Canning and we hope to see her around during school!” - Fiona and Hadley

“The best part of subbing is the variety - everyday is different and interesting. After being in the one system for an extended time, I’ve enjoyed the rapport that I have developed with the staff and students. It really is a satisfying experience.” - Mrs. Canning

Catherine Canning has been subbing for the Pewaukee School District for nine years. Prior to subbing for us, she taught Reading, Language Arts, American History, Geography, and Ancient History at Holy Apostles. In addition to teaching, Mrs. Canning was an assistant basketball coach and served as secretary, then president of the Holy Apostles Athletic Association. (posted by Ms. KBD)

Friday, November 18, 2016

Stuffin’ the Bus with Homemade Fleece Blankets

Ms. Flynn and her resource students focused on helping others as they created four beautiful tie-blankets for the “Stuff the Bus” community fundraiser. Think how warm and appreciative the recipients of these blankets will be as the Wisconsin weather turns chilly! Want to know how to create a tie-blanket, visit with Ms. Flynn or one of her resource students. (posted by Ms. KBD)

Nouchi's Quote of the Month

"Perhaps we are afraid to reflect because we must confront 
our faults and our flaws." - Nouchi W. (submitted by Mrs. Whelan)

Thursday, November 10, 2016

Honoring Ashlyn

If you had an opportunity to watch our Pirate Dancers perform this fall, you may have noticed their wonderful new uniforms. Through the many heart-felt donations that were received by the Flegel family and Asa Clark Middle School, new uniforms were purchased  to honor their friend and classmate Ashlyn Flegel. These uniforms were specially designed with a beautiful, blue-embroidered heart at the end of one sleeve.

Lead by Coach Miranda Kozlik, the Pirate Dancers devoted practice time to writing thank yous and sharing a picture of the new uniforms with all individuals who donated. Special thank you to Mandy Faller from EmbroidMe for generously donating the embroidered hearts. “I've absolutely loved having the opportunity to coach these girls. They are all such sweet and hard working young ladies with a lot of talent!” - Coach Miranda Kozlik
In addition to purchasing new Pirate Dancers uniforms, donations have also been used to support the dance team as they head to competition on Saturday, December 10 in Watertown. (posted by Ms. KBD

Monday, November 7, 2016

Art Class Turned Upside Down

Art Exploration students experience the work of Renaissance artist Michelangelo  in a whole new way. After learning about the Sistine Chapel, students get the chance to create artwork just like Michelangelo. They taped a piece of paper on the underside of tables, counters, etc., and drew while lying on their backs. (posted by Ms. Gruepink)

Tuesday, November 1, 2016

Frapps + Lemonade + Donuts = Dollars for the United Way!

Students in Introduction to Business were given an opportunity to practice their business skills while attempting to raise money for the United Way. Working collaboratively in groups of three or four, students created and presented the following business elements to their classes: partnership agreement, business plan, flyer, 30-second commercial, and a presentation. Each class then analyzed each business idea to determine which they felt would be most successful. The following businesses won their class votes: Frappicream, Lemony Fresh, and Donut Sale. Congratulations to these three businesses who raised over $300 for the United Way!  Big thanks to all the parents, students, and teachers who contributed to their success! (posted by Ms. KBD)

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